(800) 262-4065
We use industry best practices and custom-designed Support Center Software   to ensure our representatives become an extension of your business. We are able to achieve this by training our representatives to be knowledgeable in your products and services; and by taking a professional approach to all of your customer’s concerns. Our call center is equipped to handle call volume fluctuation with our routing technology, flexible scheduling and demonstrated experience in alleviating issues during your product or service seasonality. By providing this extra level of attention, we are able to respond accurately and timely to all of your consumers.

In order to ensure all consumers who contact us feel their information is secure and confidential, we offer multiple options for providing support. Each product line is assigned an exclusive toll-free phone number, web address, email address as well as fax number for consumers to contact. The various modes of contacting allow the consumer to choose the most convenient and suitable option for support.

We also offer customer service support in French, Spanish and English. Having the capability to provide multilingual support has become increasingly important in an environment in which the ethnicities in North America is continually increasing; and as businesses are pursuing international and diverse markets. With our ability to communicate in multiple languages allows your business to have opportunities in a variety of markets.

We utilize advanced technology and by using a state-of-the-art Voice-Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system  integrated with a customized database we create to fit each of our clients’ needs and standards.